Tamsin uses oracle-x cards as she finds these far outweigh any other oracle or tarot deck she had used in the past. The cards themselves are very insightful and intuitive to her. She finds that they tell a little story of a persons life as she proceeds through the reading. With some fantastic feedback from the people that have used her services, she offers one to one readings from her home, and welcomes all new people.
07742 906348
Jay has been working as a medium for several years. He uses Oracle--X as his main reading tool due to the fact that he finds the cards positively charged and beautiful in nature, He also finds the Oracle-X deck both intuitive and guiding when reading for the sitter. He finds it an inspirational deck with beautiful illustrations, and useful in helping to bring the two worlds closer together.
07900 811 164 | jcotton@csc.com